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AL320-10派克正品过滤器 AL320-10滤清器 气源处理器AL320-10
AL (AL200 / AL320 / AL420),a modular style lubricator, provides accurate lubrication of downstream equipment. | #AL320-10 OBSOLETE
Note: This product is no longer available - please contact us for further assistance.
端口尺寸: 3/8"
主体尺寸: AL Compact
产品类型: Standard Mist Lubricator
端口类型: PT
工作压力: 145, 10 bar
阀体材料: Aluminum
密封材料: NBR
润滑剂: Turbin #1 (ISO VG32)
碗类型: Polycarbonate
工作温度: 32 to 140 °F, 0 to 60 °C
Automation Korea Division's AL series is a mist lubricator that injects an oil aerosol into the flowing air stream to automatically provide the correct amount of internal lubrication for air tools and other pneumatic devices. A modular style of AL series allows connection with Air Unit Combination (AU series).
Body Size: 1/4" (AL200) / 3/8" (AL320) / 1/2" (AL420)
Port Size: 1/4", 3/8", 1/2"
Port Type: PT
Body Material: Aluminum
Seal Material: NBR
Lubrication: Turbin #1 (ISO VG32)
版权所有:淄博鼎科贸易有限公司 技术支持:开创云